Saturday, December 13, 2008

Santa's Coming to Sanborn??

Written by Keri D.

That's right, folks. Santa's comin' on over to the East Side! We're hosting a Christmas party for our neighborhood tomorrow with crafts, activities, pictures with "Santa", and storytimes for the kiddos. We will also have one half of the duplex set up as a "store" for parents to "shop" for their kids! (Thanks to Cornerstone for the warehouse of toys and brand new bikes!)

All this to say, stay tuned! A blog will coming with pictures and updates! 

Pray that relationships will be built during this time. Yes, we want to make Christmas easier on those who are struggling. Yes, we want to give the kids something fun to do tomorrow. Yes, we want to read to them the true meaning of Christmas. But, more than anything, we want to know our neighbors. We want to build friendships and we want them to see that the only reason we do this is because we believe in the unmatched love and passion of Jesus Christ. 

Also, feel free to join us! At the IG House from 3:00-5:00 (set up begins at 2:00).